Name | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Referred to as business_id elsewhere throughout the API. |
establishment_id | Integer | The ID for the associated chain. Note: Chain, Brand, and Establishment are all synonyms. If this is a POI belonging to McDonalds, then the establishment_id would be 153, which is the case for every McDonalds POI.For POIs that are independently owned or not part of a larger chain, we have "Independent" Establishments. For an non-chain hotel, it would belong to the "Independent Lodging" Establishment. |
brand_name | String | In the above example, "McDonalds" and "Independent Lodging" would be the brand_name |
name | String | Some POIs have specific names that differ from the brand_name . This is common for non-chain/independent POIs.For example, a hotel that belongs to the "Independent Lodging" Establishment might be named "American Classic Inn". |
phone | String | The phone number in the format 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX. |
latitude | Double | The POI coordinate's latitude. |
longitude | Double | The POI coordinate's longitude. |
formatted_address | String | A formatted string that contains the POI's address, city, state, and postal code. |
website | String | The POI's website URL. This might be empty if we do not have their website. |
claimed | Integer | 0 or 1 depending on if the business owner has claimed this business on the iExit Business Dashboard website. |
distance | Double | [Optional] If this object is returned as part of the Nearby POIs API, then this field will contain the number of miles away from the center coordinate. If appearing in an API besides the Nearby POIs API, this field will be omitted. |
amenities | Array of Amenitys | [Optional] An array of every Amenitys we have for this POI |
top_priority_amenity | Amenity | The most "important" Amenity which will come with information on how to render its icon. We might have 20 amenities for a gas station with diesel fuel, but the Diesel Amenity is the most defining Amenity of the 20, so it would go in this field. |
promotion | Promotion | [Optional] If this POI is running a current Promotion, it will show up here. |
logo | Logo | [Optional] If this POI has a custom Logo, it will show up here. |
images | Array of POI Images | [Optional] If this POI has any uploaded POI Images, they will show up here as an array. |
exit_mapping | Exit Mapping | [Optional] If exit_id was supplied in the URL, an Exit Mapping object will show up as a child of business . This will contain information as to the relative location of the POI from the Exit. |
fuel_prices | Array of Fuel Prices | [Optional] If this business is a gas station, and if this gas station has integrated prices from GasBuddy/OPIS, then each type of fuel will appear in its own Fuel Price object. |