Information for real-time prices associated with a Business/POI

priceDoubleThe most recently-updated price from GasBuddy/OPIS for this station. The price is for the given currency and for the given fuel_type, per the given liquid measurement, rounded to thousandth's digit.
fuel_type_idInteger1 = Diesel
3 = Regular (Unleaded)
4 = Mid Grade
5 = Premium
fuel_typeStringThe text value for the above ID. Can be Diesel, Unleaded, Mid Grade, or Premium.
background_colorStringThe hex color value associated with the given fuel_type value. In the iExit apps, Unleaded prices are colored different than, say, Diesel prices.
currencyStringEither USD or CAD.
liquid_measurementStringEither Gallons or Liters
updated_atStringThe date and time this fuel price was last updated, in the local time of that gas station. This is pulled from GasBuddy/OPIS.

Example format:
avg_priceDouble[optional. Only present when the child of an Exit object]

When associated with an exit, this is the average price of all stations found at this exit (which means located within 1 mile of the exit's offramp).

The price is for the given currency and for the given fuel_type, per the given liquid measurement, rounded to thousandth's digit.
num_stations_for_avgInteger[optional. Only present when the child of an Exit object]

The number of stations at the associated exit for which we have a price, that we can use to compute the average price.
businessBusiness / POI object[optional. Only present when the child of an Exit object]

The Business/POI object associated with the actual business at this exit with the lowest price for the given fuel_type.