Name | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Referred to as highway_id elsewhere. |
display_name | String | Official (long) name of highway. Eg: "I-65" |
sign_name | String | The highway's (short) name that goes on top of a generic sign image. Usually just the number portion of the highway name. Eg: "65" for I-65 or "101" for US 101. |
sign_web_background_image | String | Highway sign background image for web use. Usually a SVG image. Note: By putting the sign_name centered on top of this image or either of the next two sign images, you will end up with an official looking highway sign. |
sign_background_image_small | String | Smaller of two highway sign background images (PNG) intended for mobile phone UI usage. |
sign_background_image_large | String | Larger of two highway sign background images (PNG) intended for mobile phone UI usage. |
sign_text_color | String | Hex color that should be applied to sign_name text on top of a highway sign image. Eg: "#FFFFFF" |
highway_sign_class | String | CSS class you can use if you'd like to apply additional styles. |
highway_type_id | String | Interstate = 1 US Route = 2 State Route = 3 |
highway_type | String | Interstate, US Route, or State Route, depending on above highway_type_id |
Highway Types
ID | Name |
1 | Interstate |
2 | US Route |
3 | State Route |

The Highway object contains all the information necessary to render Highway table cells like this.